Saturday, February 28, 2009

You can name your own SALARY!

Cutbacks, layoffs, reduced benefits, downsizing. The list could go on and on in today's tough job market.
I know that it is hard, but we still need a laugh from time to time and we could ALL use a "Bob" salary!

OK Billy, time to fend for yourself!

My eight year old inspired this magnet last week as he was actually pouring himself a glass of milk! What's the big deal, you ask? It is just one small step in the future freedom of motherhood when their child starts to take on ANY small task themselves. Today its a glass of milk, tomorrow it may be mowing the lawn! And I think, if he waits for me to pry myself away from my work to actually pour the glass of milk he has been asking for, he will die of thirst! hehe

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I like to make lists NOTEBOOK

This is my favorite "lists" notebook. Small enough to throw into my purse and write every inspiration down at a moments notice!
I get inspiration from so many daily sources which I call "urban observations". That is the name of the new division of notebooks I am currently creating for wholesale and retail.

What men REALLY use sticky-notes for!

What men REALLY use sticky-notes for!

Gotta love 'em, sticky notes I mean, not men!
I have piles of sticky notes with quotes, ideas and things I need to do. I am also a list maker and have four or more notebooks going at once...just to clear my head!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Employment Rate

We hear so much about the UNemployment rate of 7-something% but we forget that the glass is more than half full!

We currently have an EMPLOYMENT rate of 93%! I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention to think about today. We will see the economy get better and confidence get back to work and give your 100%!